Russian Creamy Beet With Garlic Salad Recipe

        The recipe is a classic four-ingredient cold Russian beet with garlic salad. The salad has so many variations and is very common in Russian cuisine. Simple and healthy salad to start the meal or eat with meat dishes. We serve it on weekdays and holidays as well. If you are going to the Russian party a very high possibility of seeing this salad on the table. I will share my favorite variation of the salad and my signature spice – nutmeg, which is a great addition. I was reading one great cookbook about spices and learned that nutmeg is a great complement to beets. So, give a try on my next opportunity to serve this salad to Russians. I was very surprised when my friend’s Russian husband (he is one who tried so many variations of this salad) asked for the secret. He said salad has something in it and he can’t figure it out but so good. He asked me to tell the secret, so he can ask his wife to add to her recipe in the future. It made my day! So here is my version of a very common beet and garlic salad recipe. *If you have beet leaves available, check this simple recipe ⇒ Russian Stuffed Beet Leaves With Meat

Flower from Beets

Recommended ⇒ Beet Garnish Techniques Ideas With Photos.


1 large or 2 small beets

150g mozzarella cheese

2 garlic cloves

2 tablespoons mayonnaise

A pinch of nutmeg

Salt  and pepper to taste

I tried to add to this salad walnuts or pecans or plums but to my taste, it is the case when simplicity is the winner. It is up to your taste to try because of these 3 ingredients common in this salad too in the Russian community.

Mayonnaise Recipe PhotoRecommended ⇒ Homemade Mayonnaise Technology Of Preparation And Recipe. I am sharing tips from my old Russian textbook for chefs. Homemade so much better than store mayo!

Cooking Direction:

1. Grate cheese.

2. Grate the beets.

The taste of the salad depends so much on the cutting method. If you slice beets it will be a different salad. Baked beets the best taste compared to steamed or boiled.

Roasting Beets in the Oven PhotoRecommended ⇒ How to make beets in the oven. If you never cook beets, I recommend checking this page.

3. Grate garlic.

4. Mix all ingredients and add a small pinch of nutmeg.

Garnish with beets, greens, or cheese.


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