Russian Food Glossary – K L M N O

Photo Russian Food and Cooking Glossary

My cooking glossary includes Russian food, cooking terms, ingredients, dishes and Russian people culinary preferences. The glossary includes photos and pronunciation dishes and ingredients in Russian too. The idea to add pronunciation of Russian words to my glossary told my American friend and I hope, it is going to interesting.  I will continue to add a new related to Russian cooking words and descriptions to my glossary.


Kasha (porridge) – boiled or baked grains. Most popular buckwheat, oat, rice, wheat, millet, and semolina porridges. Kasha can be made with milk, with water or stock. Kasha (water or broth base) can include mushrooms, onions carrots, eggs, and other interesting variations. We have a very rich variety of kasha. One of the Russian common dishes especially for kids. On the photo millet ( pshennaia ) kasha baked in butter squash with honey and dried apricots.

Russian Breakfast Porridge Mannaya Kasha Recipe

Kefir – very popular fermented milk beverage at Russia. Originated from the Caucasus Mountains. Very beneficial for heath drink. We use as drink and in cooking to make pancakes, pirozhki and in cold soup okroshka.

Okroshka Recipe Or Russian Cold Summer Soup With Kefir

Kissel – Russian pudding commonly thickened with potato, corn or oatmeal starch. Can be made from fruits and berries and milk. Also can be a beverage. Very common drink for little kids.

Kissel Ovsianii (Oatmeal Russian Dessert)  〉Traditional Russian Dessert From Oatmeal Kissel Ovsiannii

Photo Russian Pie Kurnik

How to pronounce Russian word

Курник  ( Kurnik )

Kurnik – Russian layered chicken or turkey pie. Stuffing for the pies made out of the meat, rice, onion, and hard-boiled eggs. Call also wedding pie, especially was common in the South of Russia.

Photo Russian Strawberry Kompot Photo

How to pronounce Russian word

Компот ( Kompot )

Kompot – very popular Russian beverage can be made from fresh or dry berries and fruits. Also, kompot (Compote) can be called canned fruits in syrup.

Strawberry beverage kompot recipe

Photo Russian Beverage Kvas

Kvas – Russian beverage with very long history, first was mention in writing in the 1056 year. The beverage is made by fermentation of dry bread commonly rye with fermentation starter, dry berries, juices, and herbs. Coloring with caramelized sugar. The color of homemade kvas is mustard tones from very light to dark. Kvas can be sweet and sour. Homemade kvas is very beneficial for health beverage. Very common use in Russian cold soup okroshka. You can find kvas at European stores in the USA. However, it will be very different than we make at home.

Photo Green Onion Curls Russian Sauerkraut with Granberries and Carrot

Kvashennaia Kapusta – Russian homemade fermented cabbage, very close to sauerkraut. Usually, includes carrot. Some recipes include apples and cranberries. We use it in soups, cook with pork or serve with vegetable oil and onion on the top.



Photo Russian Manka -Farina or Semolina in English

How to pronounce Russian word

Манка ( Manka )

Manka – call also mannaya krypa in Russian. Sometimes at Russian stores call semolina or farina. Very close to Cream of Wheat, but it is not wheat cream. Semolina grain made from wheat and widely used in Russian cooking. We use it to make kasha (porridge), casserole with farmer cheese, dumplings, desserts and along with flour to make cakes and other pastries. Manka is very common ingredient in Russian cuisine.

Photo Mannaya Kasha Garnished With Butter

How to pronounce Russian word

Манная каша ( Mannaya Kasha )

Mannaya Kasha – Russian farina (semolina) porridge.

Russian Porridge Mannaya Kasha Recipe

Russian Holiday Maslenitsa Blini 2017 Photo

How to pronounce Russian word

Масленица ( Maslenitsa)

Maslenitsa – Russian Winter Holiday celebrates for one week with traditional dish blini. Call also “Pancake week”.

〉 Read more about Maslenitsa

Meod – honey or alcohol drink contains honey. We use honey so wide in cooking. We add it to some porridges, pastry and to make beverages. Use as a sweetener for tea and main remedy when we have a cold!

Meod is alcohol beverage mention in writing 880 (over 1000 years ago!). However, stoped widely produce after 16 century because of the discovery vodka. The recipes restored but because to produce good meod drink takes minimum 10-15 years as a good wine drink is very expensive. The real meod from ancient time doesn’t contain water or alcohol.

Photo Konstantin Makovsky's Painting 1880

Konstantin Makovsky’s Painting Featuring Medovykha 1880

How to pronounce Russian word

Медовуха ( Medovukha )

Medovukha –  alcohol drink made from fermented honey. Available at stores in Russia.

Mors Beverage –  one of the oldest Russian non-fermented beverage. Mors is berries juice (boiled or fresh) mix with water (birch juice) and sweetened with honey or sugar (herbs). The name comes from Byzantine and means “water with honey”. First mentioned in writing in the book called “Domostroi” 15-16th century. Available at stores in Russia and European stores in the USA.


How to pronounce Russian word

Наливка ( Nalivka )

Nalivka – Russian liqueur. Alcohol beverage with a high content of sugar and very flavorful. I had to try good homemade apricot nalivka many years ago at South Russia. So good, nothing common with store liqueurs. Bitter nalivka (Наливка горькая) call nalivka without any sugar.

How to pronounce Russian word

Настойка ( Nastoika )

Nastoika – Russian alcohol beverage made from vodka infused with berries, seeds, leaves, roots with specific flavors. Compare to nalivka contains less sugar and more alcohol.


Photo Okroshka recipe Russian cold soup

How to pronounce Russian word

Окрошка ( Okroshka )

Okroshka Cold Soup – Traditional Russian cold summer soup. The soup has so many versions! Okroshka can be made with different meats, fish or just vegetables. Traditionally serves with Russian fermented beverage call kvas. However, so many modern substitutes to replace in okroshka kvas, for example, we can make it with kefir (buttermilk) and carbonated mineral water. Kvas can be sweet and sour and you can buy it in Russian stores. However, in the soup, we can serve only sour kvas!

Read more 〉 Okroshka Recipe Or Russian Cold Summer Soup With Kefir

Photo How to serve red caviar Russian Style

How to pronounce Russian word

Оладьи ( Oladi )

Oladi – Russian small pancakes 0.5 inches thick made from yeast dough or soda and fry in oil. Oladi served with sour cream, honey, butter, sugar, sweet fruit sauce, fresh berries and much more. Oladi can be served with caviar as well.

Olivier salad – traditional Russian potato salad.

Recipe Salad Olivier

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